

Engineering Power + Digital Intelligence
Atlan+Ing Experienced and flexible team with interdisciplinary know-how

Massive acceleration of analysis processes

Closer interlocking of development goals

Digitization of development processes

Transfer of know-how and methods

Efficient product and system development


Cleaning Strategies, Fouling & Deposit Analysis

Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue, Strength and Durability Analysis (FEA)

Analysis of Flow (CFD) and Heat Transfer

Design (CAD), Concepts, Prototyping*, Testing* (* with partners)

Atlanting GmbH offers development services for technical products and systems. With more than two decades of experience and detailed product knowledge, the technical challenges are successfully mastered. The digitization of complex development processes and technical procedures enables an early and efficient evaluation of function, durability and costs. This reliably advances the development of new technologies and products. By linking interdisciplinary requirements, additional synergies are exploited and efficiency is further increased. The use of the latest CAE tools and simulation approaches with a high degree of automation combined with massive HPC computing power delivers results of high quality and reproducibility in the shortest possible time.



- the digital intelligence -
- autonomous - predictive - fast -


- digitization and technology upgrades -
- profound - integrated - smart -


- engineering support -
- transparent - individual - tangible -


- product and system development -
- efficient - interdisciplinary - reliable -


AIXcore Reliable forecast at the push of a button
  • Intelligent and autonomous tool to predict results in real time
  • Combination of engineering approaches and digital computational power
  • Simple and transparent access to information and know-how
  • Integrated quality assurance and comprehensible decision-making
TecUP Transfer of complex phenomena into digital approaches
  • Digitization of experience, scientific knowledge and test results
  • Consideration of essential fundamental mechanisms (physics, chemistry)
  • Increased efficiency through targeted management of different time/ size scales and statistical conditions
  • Extension of methods within commercial simulation software
Transfer of know-how
  • Process optimization & provision of technologies
  • Individual training, workshops
  • Implementation in customer processes
  • Support access by large network
  • Project planning and management
MatriX Systematic and automated product development
  • Digital / interdisciplinary approach for early consideration of various development goals (function, durability, costs, quality)
  • Less development loops and interfaces
  • Use of parametric models and high degree of automation
  • Integrated quality controls in every process step

Special Topics

Fouling &
Deposit Formation
Cleaning Strategies


Surge Limit

Impressum (Imprint)
Atlanting GmbH
Dennewartstr. 25-27
52068 Aachen

Telefon: +49 241 / 4500 9123
E-Mail: info [at]

Amtsgericht Aachen HRB 16436
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE 274134472

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